Cosmetic Gynecology

Every woman has the right to look and feel beautiful, whatever her age is as you go through different life phases such as marriage, pregnancy and menopause, your body changes due to several factors, especially in terms of sexual wellness, and appearance. As opposed to the common notion, particularly in India, women have the right to enjoy a happy sex life just like men.

Our team in cosmetic gynaecology knows and fully understands the needs of every woman. We specialize in treatments and procedures that will make you look and feel your sexual best.

Our services include the following.

Mommy makeover

While it is entirely normal and beautiful what your body goes through and does for you during pregnancy, it can cause some changes in your appearance. With Dr Anita’s team, you can revive your looks and feel more beautiful even after pregnancy. We offer services including breast, Abdominal, Perineum and Vaginal Correction.

Sexual enhancement procedures

Many women face several issues, some minor and some major, that keep them from enjoying sex. Our sexual enhancement range includes treatments and procedures that will enhance and improve your sex life. These include Laser as well as PRP treatments.

In Laser we offer solutions for:

Vaginal laxity tightening

PostIn PRP:


Labioplasty is one of the most in-demand cosmetic gynaecological procedures outside of India. It involves surgeries to correct labial deformities or visual deformities. Our specialized team in labioplasty offers strategies to change the size or shape of the labia minora and labia majora.


Perineoplasty involves treatments to correct imperfections or damages to the perineal muscles and vagina. It includes procedures to correct loose perineum or loose vaginal entrance.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are essentially procedures that used focused light to correct or fix an issue. These treatments make use of lasers to concentrate powerful beams on problematic areas carefully. Naturally, there are many ways in which lasers can be used, and there are many purposes.

One of the main advantages of laser treatments is that they are much less invasive and much less painful than traditional surgery. They also allow for more precision causing less damage to the surrounding tissues as well.

However, you may need a few repeated visits with laser treatments.

In Laser, the services we offer across different parts of the body are as follows.

The Face





Whole Body

PRP Treatments

PRP, which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma involve the use of a patient’s own platelets taken in certain concentrations to treat and heal muscles, tendons and ligaments. In this process, the patient’s blood is drawn, from which the platelet-rich plasma is separated and then injected into areas that need healing and treatment.

Hence, the process uses the patient’s healing system to fix or improve issues in the body. Typically, treatments with PRP may require 3 or 4 visits for significant results.

The services that we offer in PRP also cover different body parts. They are as follows.

The Face

Other Applications




Whole Body

Magnetic Chair Treatments

Incontinence is something that affects women of all ages, for various reasons, but more so in case of women after their delivery. And one of the main reasons is the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Fortunately, magnetic chair treatments can help you.

The Magnetic Chair is an advanced piece of treatment equipment that makes use of carefully created magnetic fields to work on the pelvic floor muscles. It helps the muscles contract and gains strength with regular treatment, and in turn, provides relief to problems like incontinence. It can also help with other issues like vaginal prolapse.

Our services in magnetic chair cover: