Questions that we need to ask

We hear a lot about having healthy food for PCOS patients. Do we really have to stop having nonvegetarian food? How much can we have? What should we eat? How should we cook non-vegetarian foods like beef? We have lots of confusion about having non-vegetarian food; especially these days a lot of people are becoming either vegetarians or even vegans (there must be some reason many intellectuals are turning vegan!).

AGEs [Advanced Glycation End products]

Let me explain to you something called AGE. The AGEs are harmful materials, which are formed in the food when they are cooked; it is also present in a smaller amount in the uncooked food. When either protein or the fat content in the food joins together with the sugar during the process of cooking AGE is formed. This can happen inside the body also after digestion.

How can AGE impact our bodies?

I would like to tell you about a study published by Tantalaki et al in 2014. He studied the effect of AGEs on women with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.  He found that by changing the diet there are changes in the blood level of many oxidative stress biomarkers, hormones, and metabolic end products in women with PCOS. So he recommends very strongly that women with this condition should ideally take food containing as low AGEs as possible, as it will reduce the severity of PCOS and avoid complications. So it will be better if women with PCOS either avoid or reduce the amount of such AGEs rich food in their diet.

Which food has low AGEs

Generally, foods, which are rich in carbohydrates, like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, Pulses, and milk has less amount of AGEs, even though they are cooked.  The amount in the raw food of the above list is also extremely low compared with the non-vegetarian food. In a study published in the American Diet Association Journal in 2010, Uribarri et al have written a paper on the AGEs and they have given a Practical guideline on how to reduce the number of AGEs in the diet. This is an extremely good article because they have given many tables with the list of different food items and the number of AGEs in those separately and they have also given tables on uncooked and cooked amount of AGEs in those food materials.

In comparison, the highest levels of these harmful AGEs were seen in beef and cheese, and then chicken, pork, fish, and eggs in the reducing order. So try and stick to eggs or fish if you are a person who cannot eat without nonveg. If you really want to win PCOS, go vegetarian and have plenty of vegetables and fruits. The key is to remember this while you go shopping.

Example of the small list given below;

Table 1: List of AGEs in different food 

Orange juice (fresh squeezed) 0
Milk (fat-free) per 100 ml 1
Vegetable soup per 100 ml 1.6
Bread (whole wheat) per 100 gm 53
Tuna ( fresh, baked) per 100 gm 919
Chicken (boiled) per 100 gm 1123
Beef (stew) per 100 gm 2230

The cooking method can change levels of AGEs

It is very interesting to know that the level of AGEs are different for the same foodstuff- when they are boiled, microwaved, fried, grilled, broiled. So it will be a good idea to boil or stew the food, and keep away your frying pans and barbeque sets (just keep it in places where it is difficult to reach), and keep your boiling vessels handy. Studies have also proven that cooking time is relevant, so try and limit your cooking time, making it dark and brown means you are also going to suffer dark times ahead.

List of AGEs in different cooking methods

Food Per 100gm Microwave boil Panfried with olive oil Broiled
Salmon fillet 912 1082 3083 3347
Chicken breast 1524 1210 4938 5828
Beef steak 2687 2657 10058 7479

How to reduce AGEs in Meat?

 if you add acidic materials like lemon juice or vinegar and marinate the food, the level seems to be quite low especially in the meat varieties. For example, when beef is marinated in vinegar, it has less than half of the amount of AGEs. No wonder why grandmas always marinated! They just knew.

More Complications of AGEs

These mycotoxins are known from many many studies to create lots of complications inside the human body and also they have done many animal tests to show that high levels can cause kidney problems, diabetes, atherosclerosis and it can even affect wound healing. It is one of the important components, which can affect chronic diseases and aging. So let’s stay away from these as much as possible.


  •  Prefer vegetarian
  • Boil/stew food
  • Keep cooking time short
  • Marinate meat with vinegar or lemon


Dr. Anita Mani MRCOG

Gynecologist with special interest in PCOS

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